Inspired by the charism "Be Little and Serve the Little", the members of St. Thomas Province of Little Flower Congregation is pledged to side with the poor, the marginalized and the people on the margins of the society. The inherent and inviolable dignity of each person is underscored and we constantly strive hard to uphold it in
an uncompromising manner. This website is a window that opens to the different grass root activities and initiatives of the province in spreading the Good News to the poor.
6 Novices of St. Thomas Province along with 12 Novices of St. Joseph's Province made their First Profession on 17 May, 2020 at Little Flower Novitiate House, Mookkannur. Fr. Tomy Alumkalkarot CST, Provincial of St. Joseph's Province, Aluva and Fr. Joby Edamuriyil CST, Provincial Superior of St. Thomas Province, Kozhikode, Fr. Joby Chully CST, Novice Master and Fathers at Basil Bhavan were present for the grace filled
Fr. Bibin Chakkumkulath CST and Fr. Shaibin Puthuppallil CST reached in the diocese of Goroka, Papua New Guinea for the pastoral ministry with Very Rev. Fr. Superior General and Rev. Fr. Provincial Superior on 05 September, 2019.
When the entire world is suffering with Covid 19 pandemic, Little flower charitable socity (NESAM) actively serving and supporting the needy people around the world.